Tuesday, September 12, 2023

AI conundrum - The scope of Artificial Intelligence in education

Of late, maybe none of my conversations, or workshops or classes that I take, go without the mentioning of AI. When I see the young generation not being able to think, I wonder if I should ask them to think, or just let them be as they are because AI is there to take care of all the decisions. If I ask them to think, it might sound like asking them to go back to bullock-cart age. We have progressed a lot in terms of technology, and AI creeping into our lives in such a fast pace, should we shy away from accepting the fact that AI is no more a myth and thereby embrace it, or should we fight against it? There was a time calculators and computers were kept away from all spheres for the fear that it will kill our abilities. But now it has become a part of our lives. Similarly, should we get along with AI or wage a war against it is what we should think. The choice is personal right now, though the choice may cease to exist any time sooner or later.

That being said, the scope of AI in the realm of education is something that can turn the whole system topsy turvy. It's a dreadful thought that creeps into many a mind of those in the teaching profession. The fear of losing their bread and butter might bring shivers down their spines. But is it something to be fearful about, or is it something that can come handy is what we need to think about.

Should we bother?

Can it lead to massive loss of jobs in education sector? Can it cause havoc? Well, the answer maybe yes. Why so? The potential of AI is so much so that it can replace the teaching fraternity as a whole. One might find it difficult to digest. I'm pretty much sure that those who know about computer programming can understand that better.  So what can AI do in the teaching-learning sphere? Let's take a look.

When a faculty deals with an average of fifty to sixty students in a class, it indeed is a diverse group whose learning methodologies are as varied as the group is. If you consider the VARK learning style, some are inclined to learn better with visual aids, some auditory, some read/write and others kinesthetics. When catering to students with varied learning styles, classroom teaching won't satisfy every individual. No matter how a person tries to incorporate all of these, it will not be possible to do all in one. This will lead to almost everyone lose out on a bit of each. Moreover one person cannot understand the mood of each and every student and cater to each one of them personally.

This is where digital content comes to use. It is very personal. The teaching happens one on one, with no one around. It has all the elements of VARK, including kinesthetics as it can have feedbacks and activities too. In the classroom, no matter how much ever a student is interested, due to mood swings, climate, time of the day etc, the student can lose attention. Even if not, the distraction by a friend can result in the loss of flow of attention. On the contrary, a video can be played when the student is in good mood to learn, beyond the stipulated time frame. More over, if concentration is lost for a moment, one can replay it and listen to it again and again as many times as it is understood, whereas it's not possible for a faculty to repeat anything umpteen times in a classroom setting. 

Role of AI in education

Now, where does AI fit in? If AI can be developed in such a manner that it can understand the learning methodology of a student, it can deliver the learning material based on that. For eg, if a student is inclined to learn better through visual aids, it can provide more visual materials than using other types of study materials. If the student didn't understand, or lost concentration, or feel sleepy, AI can detect the mood with the help of a camera and can either ask the student to take a break and get back, or maybe play a game to get the student back in track. Here, even the game can be based on the study material. If not a game, it can be a song, or a movie, or anything that the student will find rejuvenated as per AI's understanding of the student. 

One might argue that classroom teaching can never be replaced with digital learning. But, is it true in this era? My child, before going to school, learned almost all the nursery rhymes by watching TV. Well, of course, the next argument would be about their inter or intra-personal capabilities. How many from the previous generation are in touch with their friends and relatives physically? Have not most of them moved into making phone calls and sending messages, instead of going and meeting anyone personally? Even marriages and funerals are attended online these days. Should we be sceptical about the generation that is born in the digital era? I recently saw my 10 year old child with five or six children of the same age. I didn't see her speak, neither did other children. Everyone were having mobiles in their hands and were busy with that. Can we expect them to have the kind of relationships the older generation had? Will it make sense for them? Should we force our way of life on to them? 

With AI, if we take it a step ahead, it can even speak to the student just like any of us. So it will become more of an interaction between them. Again, my child, when she was around four or five years of age, one day was speaking over the phone. I was wondering how could she make a phone call. But when I checked, it was not a phone call, but she was having a conversation with google. I don't think they will have the kind of thinking that we used to have once upon a time. Things have changed and they have moved far beyond the personal sphere. They will live in a digital world. I remember myself being busy with computer games and mIRC chats 20 years ago, and I never thought about anything else at that point in time. I used to be engrossed in it, not knowing what is happening around me. I was in touch with people across the globe, though I was cut off from my own relatives and friends. Twenty years down the lane, kids born in the IT age, will no doubt be far beyond that.    

AI in lieu of teacher 

When we speak about AI being the teacher, the student can even choose the teacher since it's all virtual. In a classroom setting, students can have issues with the teacher. Some students lose their interest in studies because of their teacher. Here, with AI, student can even choose the character. For eg, if a student is more attached to his/her father, the father's character can be chosen as teacher. This will give more of a personal touch. At times they might get bored with the same person teaching. Here again, just like the characters being chosen in games, students can choose/change the teacher character at any point in time. This will make learning more interesting.  

Also, human beings have limitations in terms of knowledge, amount of time, health etc. But AI can be with the student beyond any time, with a wealth of knowledge. Since it's a collective knowledge, the information it can give is beyond imagination. It can deliver the same information again and again without losing temper. 

If we sit and think of AI in teaching/learning, the advantages and possibilities are too many to list out. Here we would need to think about the role of a teacher. Should we move to AI and get rid of all the teachers? Or should we limit the learning possibilities of students with that of the limitations of human beings as teachers? Well, I would say that it's high time we move to AI. But at the same time, teachers should make use of AI and be facilitators and guides rather than fighting against it. One day or the other AI will surely takeover and if teachers are not ready to embrace it and make the best use of it, that is when they are going to be at the receiving end and may become obsolete. We can think of the scenario when computers were introduced, how even now, many struggle to make use of it, while those who have adapted it gives better output in terms of efficiency and timeliness. An MCQ question paper can give the results in fraction of a second than a teacher going through all the answers one by one and ending up with calculation errors, with so much of stress and fatigue. Which one is better? 

We can't turn a blind eye to the reality. It's high time that we explore the possibilities of what AI can do and how we can make use of it in the best possible way in the field of education. There soon will be a pioneer who will turn the entire world upside down. Should we walk a step ahead or lose out? Ask, and decide for yourself.

Saturday, July 1, 2023

Memories to cherish

Nothing lasts for ever, but the memories till we go
The good times and the bad that we cherish
No matter whether we like it or not
Nothing lasts for ever, but the memories till we go.

This time this day, we'll be missing like no other day
We'd never wanna miss a wink for ever and ever
Just as these days that never come back
Nothing lasts for ever, but the memories till we go.

We walked into this place all alone
But we walk out not alone 
With a hell lot of friends and a wealth of knowledge
Nothing lasts for ever, but the memories till we go.

Some good times, some bad
Some sleepless nights, some missed heartbeats,
The rush hours and the fun that we all pass by
Nothing lasts for ever, but the memories till we go.

As we bid farewell to those around that stood by us
It's time to move on, to move on to a different world
All set to conquer, leaving all the wonderful moments behind
As nothing lasts for ever, but the memories till we go.

Sunday, September 5, 2021


         Who is a teacher? A teacher is the one who passes on the knowledge to someone. Who can be a teacher? Anyone who is willing to learn and impart the right knowledge to the listener can be a teacher. Who can be the best teacher? It is the who can sow the seeds of knowledge in the best possible way. What does a teacher earn? A true teacher earns true respect. Here I try to bring in some of my thoughts about teachers.
       I believe that teaching is the most noble profession of all and a teacher is the greatest sculptor of humankind. A teacher plays a very important role in a person's life. It can be positive or negative. A good teacher moulds a child and bring the best out of  him. A passionate teacher works towards it tirelessly. To the Teachers Day wish of one of my students, I responded this way: "A teacher becomes great when the student becomes great, in terms of knowledge and wisdom. Knowledge is about subject, wisdom is about righteousness, justice and love." 
      The first thought about a teacher that comes to my mind is my granny. Throughout my half a mile walk to market with her during holidays, I have seen many wish her with a lot of respect and say how their lives were transformed by her. When I look back, I realise how great it is to be a teacher.         
       How far can a teacher influence a student? Well, it depends on various factors like the age of the student, acceptance and trust the student has in the teacher etc. Knowledge, wisdom and the ability of the teacher to communicate plays a crucial role in it.   
      Why age plays an important role? The way adults think is different from a child, and so is a grown up. One should be moulded at a younger age. Tender age is like soft clay. Once it gets harder, it's difficult to shape, though possible up to certain extent. Once they grow older, the learnings and experiences they came across make them rigid in their thinking. So a teacher's responsibility at younger ages is the most important one. A student can love or hate a subject based on the teacher.     
        Another aspect I pointed out was acceptance and trust towards the teacher. Once a student can accept the teacher and the trust is built, the teacher can guide the student without a hitch. There are many things associated with it, like knowledge about the subject, wisdom, communication skills, appearance, cleanliness etc. Without a sound subject knowledge how can the knowledge sharing happen? But, that doesn't mean that only the one who knows everything can be a teacher. As I once said: "The day one believes he knows everything, that is the day he becomes a fool." So, a teacher's life is about learning one or the other thing every now and then.
       Wisdom is equally important, because it is wisdom that helps one to gain trust, without which there will be no acceptance. Wisdom stands by truth, justice and truthfulness. Most of the students whom I deal with, in the initial days itself I let them know that no matter how close they try to be with me, wether they love me or hate me, everyone is equal to me and no one get any special consideration, or less, no matter what. I am faithful to my job and hence I expect the same from them too.
       Communication is another aspect that one cannot neglect. No matter how much knowledge one has, without proper communication it cannot be imparted efficiently. The student will end up having half knowledge or even worst understanding of subject.     
        Most importantly, it is the passion that drives a teacher. If one gets into the profession for the sake of remuneration, then it will be the greatest injustice one can do to the profession. Respect needs to be earned by what one do. If one looks at gaining respect, without being driven by passion, it will be lost.       
         Should the teacher teach the subject alone? No. Along with subject, the teacher should be able to teach the student to think, reason, analyse and experiment. Not only that, even emotions, interests and many other aspects need to be touched upon. Every student and his/her thoughts should be respected. Not every one is equal and the same cannot be expected from all. Every individual has his own interest, talent and passion. Tap the right potential rather than diverting it or stopping it.      
       Of late, I have seen a degradation of respect towards teachers. Though one of the reasons is their upbringing, their experience with teachers plays a crucial role. Since people are lured into teaching profession with good remuneration, many of them, like any other profession, get into it without even a bit of passion. For some it might be time pass or just another job, but for another it's a dream of their life.         
      Maybe not being studious, I never had a good rapport with any of my teachers. So I don't have any good memories with any of them during my childhood. But in college days I did come across few of them whom I look up at. They had good thinking ability, subject knowledge, reasoning ability and above all humility. They indeed earned my respect.
     If I were asked whom I consider to be the greatest teacher, I would say my parents. But above all it's Jesus who taught the greatest art of life - love.

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Watsapp to Signal - should you switch over?

A prelude
         When I heard about the new policy, I just shrugged it off just like any other policies that are too difficult for any lay man to understand. It didn’t bother me at all. But the moment I came to know that I am forced to agree to the terms and conditions, it did hit my senses. I felt that my freedom is at stake. That is when I called my friend and asked if we can create a new app similar to Watsapp. As usual, when ever I think of an idea, the response was that someone might have already done it. That lead me to the search and I stumbled upon ‘Signal.’ Immediately I installed Signal, and I had no one except me jumping into it. Soon I posted on facebook and got few of my friends who wanted the change. 


The aftermath

Not before too long, news about the switchover and the exodus to Signal forced even the CEO of Watsapp to come out in the open to alleviate the fears surrounding the new policy. They had to put out full front-page ads to stop the flow. On the funny side, based on Elon Mask’s tweet, another company with similar name made windfall gains in the sharemarket as their shares surged a whopping 5100% in three days.


Policy matters?

            Does it matter to you or me? Well, for me it does matter. You should decide for yourself whether it matters for you or not. We don’t have the time to get into the nitty gritties of the policies, or may not even understand any of those. I have seen people support Watsapp with the questions raised by the supporters of Watsapp. One of the questions was that, when we had been doing the same for quite a while, and as we have already given away everything through Google, Facebook, etc, why the hullaballoo?   

            Well, true that we have already surrendered almost everything. But should we still do it, knowingly? For me, I never felt any need for such kind of a freedom. That is the reason why, even before people came to know about linking bank account, pan card and what not, I have done it all. But, then, why make a fuss about this? 


Why switchover?

The reason is the amount of phone calls and messages I get. It has driven me to a point where I usually avoid calls from unknown numbers. There was a time I used to attend each and every call, and call back if I missed it, since I never wanted anyone to feel they are neglected. I was ever ready to lend an ear to those in need. But now, if someone wants to get in touch with me at times of struggles, it is difficult, because I don't attend calls from unknown numbers unless I am free, and I usually don't revert to them if I notice it. 

As for me, all this while I didn’t know of an alternative. Though I thought of an alternative years ago, I felt there will be no takers and hence it will be a waste of time bringing out a similar platform, even with minor changes. Of course, I couldn’t think of any additions that could drive people away from their comfort zone. Anyway, now that I have a choice, why should I let myself play the fool. I prefer to enjoy whatever freedom that is available.

            I feel I will be enslaved forever if I don’t move out when I have a choice. The ads I see, the phone calls I get, everything is linked to every single matter that I search, controlled by big players. In this era of manipulations and 'fakeism,' the real ones never reach you. 

            When I was a freelancer, I was once forced by a portal to pay and get leads from them. Though I was least interested in it, due to their coercion I took a small pack. Soon I came to know that I won’t get any leads as they put out in public only those who pay a hefty sum. So the better services I could offer for 60 to 80K were taken away by mediocre players who charge 1.5L and above, just by paying a handsome amount to the portal. People were left with no choice, as they never know what I could offer and at what price.

            When I connect that with the current scenario, I get the feeling that soon we will get not what we want, but what they give. When I say ‘they,’ those are the most powerful and rich I mean. When I have what I need right in front of me, should I bother? Well, that is where the enslavement happens. We won’t even know a product that is existing for 50 bucks when we will be offered a choice of only the one that costs 500 bucks, that too, the same product. Small players will be eliminated from the market. And if any remain, their products will be taken away by the big players. For the players it is okay, as they get the same from them too. But, we, the end consumers, will be the one who have to pay the price.

            Theatres that used to offer tickets for 20 to 50 bucks, is just an example. Once the big players came, they had to stop their businesses. They were swallowed by multiplexes and we now pay 250 to 500 for the same. Of course, facilities are better, but is it worth? And if we can be selfish enough to neglect those who cannot afford to basic entertainment, then there is no scope of another thought. Anyway, still bigger players have come in the form of OTT. But now multiplexes are crying foul. The cycle will go on. 

            For me, ‘Signal’ seems to make sense since I need to share only my contact number. They don’t take my other details. I can be in control. Moreover, Signal is an opensource platform, and until they decide to sell it, I have a choice above the enslaving app. I only wish if there was an alternative for facebook too.

             More than anything, I don’t want to be controlled like robots. I don’t want them to decide for me, a freedom I always fought for even from my parents since childhood. And if being such a slave doesn’t matter, then one need not be bothered at all. Choice is yours.


           These are my personal views based on my understanding. I am only a human and I can make wrong assumptions. Don’t ever blindly believe in what I say. Do think, even beyond what I can, and draw your own conclusions.