Thursday, December 31, 2009

Le moi

I prefer not to achieve anything cus I don't want my friends to lose me. But if you ask why I do that as I believe that no friends remain for ever, I'd say it's cus I believe that even for a second if I can be a friend and give a moment of joy it's worth more than a lifetime of achievements.

The reason why I don't even promote my blog is cus I believe that only for seekers it'll make sense. If it's worth it'll come out of the box though of course world will neglect it cus it doesn't cost them anything.

When I say something they will say it's wrong, but once they experience they come back and say it's right. But what a pity, they still follow the same way.

When many are worried that they are not loved even when there are people around to love them, I'm glad that no one loves me cus that gives me freedom n I don't have to worry about myself.

The world think that I'm out of my mind for not jumping the signal. Though the world and I myself has changed I still believe that red is stop and green is go.

The world says I'm a fool for not taking up the jobs that offer big sums. But I don't want myself to be bought.

When the world think that I'm useless cus I don't have certificates I believe that it's knowledge that counts.

I'm glad I didn't get through few interviews cus I don't have to work under people who look at at others through the books they have learned and don't recognize the worth of a person.

I believe selling one's body is better than selling one's soul.

When the world says virginity is not divinity but it's lack of opportunity I believe it's the matter of integrity.

From romance to flirting, from creativity to inspiration, I pity on those who think I'm impotent cus they don't know my potential.

I'm never a loser, but those who think that I can't.

I often go against my wishes and likes, and that brings the best out of me.

Most often it's the things I loved or wanted most that I said no to.

I prefer not to do everything for everyone, cus otherwise I'll end up doing things for those who don't need it.

I often wished if I weren't a Christian so that I don't have to humble myself, I don't have to play the fool, I don't have to lose the pleasures of the world, etc. etc. But then when I think of the immense love, joy, happiness and grace that surrounds me I feel I'm blessed beyond measures to be a Christian.

In terms of technology and standards, mentality and thoughts, I feel I'm born too early, cus things I find around is far way behind my expectations when even the hi-fi people around have the mindset of 1947 . And I feel I'm born too late in terms of love and affection, sincerity and faithfulness, cus now a days no one has time to spend for each other when ethics is a matter of shame.

Friday, October 9, 2009

The medical bank

My dad never goes to a doctor when he falls sick. There was a time I used to feel that it’s not right. But now that I have my own reasons I too prefer to stay away from doctors. When my dad falls sick I don’t force him to doctor cus I believe that there’s no use. Though there was a time I frequented clinics and hospitals now it’s been years since I checked into one to get myself checked. I don’t opine that one should never make it to a doctor, but I feel that one need to think twice before doing it. Cus all they do is nothing but experiments on the patient.

What is it that makes me think this way? It was not a sudden thought, but it evolved through years to get into such a conclusion for me. I’ve lost faith in doctors since medical profession has become nothing but a financial institution that mints money. And when it comes to the quality of service I don’t find any reason to believe in their capability with the advancement of technology and all the ultramodern equipment.

There was a time when we were not so well educated, but people had lesser problems. There were doctors who could say at a glace what the patient is suffering from when there were no medical colleges. So what does that imply? The quality of education and what the institutions provide now is nothing but some means to make money. I believe that knowledge is a gift from God that can’t be sold or bought. But that’s what is happening now, which results in the crushing down of the whole profession.

Coming to the ground realities, let’s take a look at a normal person who suffers from a headache or body pain or a fever. It’s quite normal for a human being to have these problems in life. It’s the normal way body reacts to the environment. But a person who thinks it’s a problem will run to the doctor. And the doctor will prescribe some pain killer or a medicine, that he himself has got no idea of how it works, which is supplied or being marketed by a medical rep, and suppresses it, but never overcomes the problem. Often headaches, fever and such kinds won’t last for ever. But the patient tends to think it’s the medicine that works.

And if it doesn’t get right, the patient gets back to the doctor, who in turn will either increase the dose or try some other medicine. Here again the doctor won’t have any idea what exactly the patient is suffering from. Now if the patient is lucky enough the cure takes place, not because of the medicine, but naturally as time pass by. And if that doesn’t happen, then the doctor has to think of all the possibilities he has learned of. And now due to the lack of knowledge the patient will be asked to undergo few tests that might bring any outcome. If the patient is lucky enough he’ll come out with a lab report that speaks about a viral fever of anything of that sort.

But what if those reports are negative? Well, then there will be another set of tests that the patient has to undergo. And this will keep repeating, making a hole in the patient’s pocket. And unless it’s some disease that needs such tests, the patient finally comes out with a certificate that states everything is alright. And at the end what transpires is a doctor is one who plays with our luck.

It isn’t every doctor that I speak about, but majority of them. There still are doctors who really have the call and are serious about what they do. They put their whole heart and mind into it. And that is where one finds result. That doctor is the one who work not for money, but for results. But unfortunately due to the exorbitant fees and the fat pockets that await, medical colleges render pride, status and no service. Doctors go by the books, with no heart set on what they do. May be few of them join with good intention, but end up following the crowd. And of course a small number of doctors do filter through in the process with real knowledge.

As far as eyes are set on money there will be no favorable outcome. What they learn and do will be only for that. And as far as money rules there will be no skill produced. Gone are the days of doctors who used to do service for the society. That is why we need to bribe them in order to take care of even patients on their death bed. I haven’t come across doctors who are ready to do an operation freely when a person’s life is in danger. The more danger a patient faces the more demand the doctor has.

And the tag line is: I call those doctors servants as they serve, with utmost respect. But for others who do it for money, I give more respect to servants than them.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

No more the same

How can I be so again
Every moment I face
Oh no, no, not again
I don’t wanna be the same

An echo in the distance
Though faded in my memory
It keeps coming back
Keeps coming back to me

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

Mistakes of the past
Not me alone, but others too
Once, twice, and yet again
It jus can’t be the same

An echo in the distance
Though faded in my memory
It keeps coming back
Keeps coming back to me

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

There’s always an end to all
But not unless I do
Not jus desires
But it’s the step that I take

An echo in the distance
Though faded in my memory
It keeps coming back
Keeps coming back to me

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

Related post:

Monday, June 29, 2009

The contrast

Rich are the poorest and poor are the richest.

Rich is rich cus they always take and never give; poor are poor cus they always give and seldom take.

If you ever have a chance to work for the rich, think twice - you may never get paid.


It was one of my greatest desires to have a car of my own. I knew that through my effort it's impossible. So I took the only right way to make the dream a reality - I went down on my knees. But then God asked me to wait. Oh my! I can't stand it. Every time I ask the answer is 'wait.' But how long?

I told Him I have no patience. I just can't wait too long for it. Well, finally I won the battle. He said He'll grant my wish. I was so excited that I didn't even think of thanking Him. I ran out of the church.

Next day I found that everything falling on my lines. The cash, the registration, all the formalities - to my surprise everything was taken care of in many ways that my dream was finally coming true. I was busy informing all my friends and relatives about the new car.

And at last the time has come. I threw a party at the best hotel I found in the city. Every one has arrived. I arranged for my friend to get the delivery and bring my car to the venue. We were all anxiously waiting. And there it comes in all its glitters. I was very proud of myself, or rather I conveniently and purposely forgot the part my Lord did.

Few days passed by and I started getting restless that things weren't as smooth as I expected. The new car which I got seems to have lot of problems. It's so frustrating that I started grumbling. And that was the time I realized that God has cheated me. Now it's the time to go to Him to tell Him that He's not trustworthy.

And that night I turned back to Him after a long time, since the day He agreed to bring my dream to reality. And I started with a note of disappointment. I thought He's not worth the thanksgiving for He didn't do a fair thing. I pointed my finger at Him and asked Him what He has done to me.

With a smile so irritating He gently said: Before you asked me I knew your desire. I started working on it long before you came to me. There was a whole lot of details that had to be taken care of. I had to get right people to do it since I wanted it to be very special. I wanted to get the best components so that you get the best of it all. But it was then you interrupted me. I asked you time since people around were not listening to me. I had to find someone better who understand me to get the best of it. But you insisted that you wanted it immediately. You didn't give me enough time to work on it. I had to stop working on it and get it for you the next day itself. And hence I had to keep away the unfinished parts that was specially being made for you and use the normal things for you. And I tried to explain things to you but you ran off the very moment I agreed to your request. Even when you were running around informing others and preparing for the banquet I was running behind you to tell the problems. But you had no time to listen to me. Now you tell me what else you expect me to do.

It was then that I realized how big a fool I am. I missed the best of it I had in store. I have no more complains. All I can is be contempt with what I got. Wish if I had some more patience.

(I don't write stories, but jus gav it a try. So plz dont judge on the quality. Hope it gives some insight)

Monday, April 20, 2009

Few more crazy thoughts

No man is born a man.

You are not loved by your merits. No matter how good you are at heart, it makes no sense. It's the weekness of the one who loves you that makes you loved.

Enemeys use both hands to fight. Friends use one hand to take help and the other to stab.

I trust in enemeys rather than friends, cus they stab only from the front. But unfortunately I have no enemeys.

There'll be none to shed tears when I'm gone; I wish if there'll be none who celebrate either.

Love is all around, yet it's a superstition.

No one in this world is born knowing anything at all.

If you want to see me free you gotta wait until I get into my grave.

I don't believe in fairy tales and promises.

No heroes did anything for me, xcept one; He died for me.

Creativity comes from heart; it can never b taught nor learned.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Give it all

There’s friends and family
Yet with loneliness that surrounds
Life ain’t that easy
With all its ups and downs
When those around whom you trusted
Seems to stab from behind
When life seems to spin around
With no one to understand

Give it all, give it all
Give it all to Him
He’s always there to carry
All the burdens of your heart
Give it all, give it all
Give it all to Him
For He’s the only one
Who’s always there for you

When you feel you’re sinking
With the worries of the life
When it seems too hard
For you to carry on
All you need to do
Is to turn around
There you’ll find Him waiting
For you to run to Him

Give it all, give it all
Give it all to Him
He’s always there to carry
All the burdens of your heart
Give it all, give it all
Give it all to Him
For He’s the only one
Who’s always there for you

Watch the composed song at

Friday, February 13, 2009

Culture - Are we mocking ourselves?

Of late, the word 'culture' has been misused to spread hatred and violence in India. It gives one a feeling that hatred and violence is our culture. In my childhood I was proud to say that India is a land of unity in diversity. But where are we heading to? Are we sending wrong signals to the world, or perhaps maybe the right? The so called 'moral brigade' is causing us put down our head in shame. What ever we earned through all these years seem to be crushed mercilessly.

Recently there had been attacks citing PDA and dress code. Those who were behind it lacks knowledge about what culture is in reality. Hugging and holding hands maybe alien to Indian culture, but it’s the narrow mindedness that creates all the problems. My friends, boys as well as girls, when they hold my hands or hug me or kiss me it's the love and care that I see in them. I believe that a loving touch has got so much of healing power. And it is that tru love that I give them. For those who cannot see the pure love and if their mind is filled with only lust, then they can never acknolwledge any of these. I wonder if it's lust that they have in their mind who protest against it. In that case I wish if their parents and children and friends knew how dangerous it is to be with them. Of course, if it's a smooch, I believe it's a part of romance due to which I can never ever think of accepting one from a guy. If I'm ever married, and if she's broad minded and wish to plant a kiss on my lips in public I don't see anything wrong in it since I believe it's the way of showing the world about the love and care. If we need to say no to romance in public then we need to stop even candle lit dinners and all the dance parties.

When it comes to dress code, on what basis do we speak about our culture. If we look at the sculptures in India, the only evidence we have that speaks about our ancient culture, we know what dress they used to wear those days. In that case of course one may oppose noodle straps, cus girls need to wear tops without strap itself. And for guys to stick to our great tradition will have to wear a small piece of cloth to cover their manhood. Or do they think that our ancestors were wearing pants and pyjamas? Above all, if we need to stick to our basics then we need to walk around naked since we were all born naked. When did we start covering up our body?

To speak about love, yes, we never gave a damn for love until we learned about it from others. We had our own small clusters in the name of caste and creed that stopped us from loving others. It still plagues us. It is a social evil and we can't carry on these rubbish in the name of our culture. It will take few more generations to get rid of this, though only if proper education is given to all. Is it because of the fear that these divisions will be broken that these people are fighting for Indian culture?

We need to get rid of what is wrong and accept what is right. There is no culture that is completely right or completely wrong. Culture changes with time. No culture has stood the test of times. We were born in this world with nothing and we will go with nothing. And why is it that we fight for what is not ours? We need to accept what is right and reject what is wrong. And no one in this world has the right to dictate terms on that matter.

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