Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Watsapp to Signal - should you switch over?

A prelude
         When I heard about the new policy, I just shrugged it off just like any other policies that are too difficult for any lay man to understand. It didn’t bother me at all. But the moment I came to know that I am forced to agree to the terms and conditions, it did hit my senses. I felt that my freedom is at stake. That is when I called my friend and asked if we can create a new app similar to Watsapp. As usual, when ever I think of an idea, the response was that someone might have already done it. That lead me to the search and I stumbled upon ‘Signal.’ Immediately I installed Signal, and I had no one except me jumping into it. Soon I posted on facebook and got few of my friends who wanted the change. 


The aftermath

Not before too long, news about the switchover and the exodus to Signal forced even the CEO of Watsapp to come out in the open to alleviate the fears surrounding the new policy. They had to put out full front-page ads to stop the flow. On the funny side, based on Elon Mask’s tweet, another company with similar name made windfall gains in the sharemarket as their shares surged a whopping 5100% in three days.


Policy matters?

            Does it matter to you or me? Well, for me it does matter. You should decide for yourself whether it matters for you or not. We don’t have the time to get into the nitty gritties of the policies, or may not even understand any of those. I have seen people support Watsapp with the questions raised by the supporters of Watsapp. One of the questions was that, when we had been doing the same for quite a while, and as we have already given away everything through Google, Facebook, etc, why the hullaballoo?   

            Well, true that we have already surrendered almost everything. But should we still do it, knowingly? For me, I never felt any need for such kind of a freedom. That is the reason why, even before people came to know about linking bank account, pan card and what not, I have done it all. But, then, why make a fuss about this? 


Why switchover?

The reason is the amount of phone calls and messages I get. It has driven me to a point where I usually avoid calls from unknown numbers. There was a time I used to attend each and every call, and call back if I missed it, since I never wanted anyone to feel they are neglected. I was ever ready to lend an ear to those in need. But now, if someone wants to get in touch with me at times of struggles, it is difficult, because I don't attend calls from unknown numbers unless I am free, and I usually don't revert to them if I notice it. 

As for me, all this while I didn’t know of an alternative. Though I thought of an alternative years ago, I felt there will be no takers and hence it will be a waste of time bringing out a similar platform, even with minor changes. Of course, I couldn’t think of any additions that could drive people away from their comfort zone. Anyway, now that I have a choice, why should I let myself play the fool. I prefer to enjoy whatever freedom that is available.

            I feel I will be enslaved forever if I don’t move out when I have a choice. The ads I see, the phone calls I get, everything is linked to every single matter that I search, controlled by big players. In this era of manipulations and 'fakeism,' the real ones never reach you. 

            When I was a freelancer, I was once forced by a portal to pay and get leads from them. Though I was least interested in it, due to their coercion I took a small pack. Soon I came to know that I won’t get any leads as they put out in public only those who pay a hefty sum. So the better services I could offer for 60 to 80K were taken away by mediocre players who charge 1.5L and above, just by paying a handsome amount to the portal. People were left with no choice, as they never know what I could offer and at what price.

            When I connect that with the current scenario, I get the feeling that soon we will get not what we want, but what they give. When I say ‘they,’ those are the most powerful and rich I mean. When I have what I need right in front of me, should I bother? Well, that is where the enslavement happens. We won’t even know a product that is existing for 50 bucks when we will be offered a choice of only the one that costs 500 bucks, that too, the same product. Small players will be eliminated from the market. And if any remain, their products will be taken away by the big players. For the players it is okay, as they get the same from them too. But, we, the end consumers, will be the one who have to pay the price.

            Theatres that used to offer tickets for 20 to 50 bucks, is just an example. Once the big players came, they had to stop their businesses. They were swallowed by multiplexes and we now pay 250 to 500 for the same. Of course, facilities are better, but is it worth? And if we can be selfish enough to neglect those who cannot afford to basic entertainment, then there is no scope of another thought. Anyway, still bigger players have come in the form of OTT. But now multiplexes are crying foul. The cycle will go on. 

            For me, ‘Signal’ seems to make sense since I need to share only my contact number. They don’t take my other details. I can be in control. Moreover, Signal is an opensource platform, and until they decide to sell it, I have a choice above the enslaving app. I only wish if there was an alternative for facebook too.

             More than anything, I don’t want to be controlled like robots. I don’t want them to decide for me, a freedom I always fought for even from my parents since childhood. And if being such a slave doesn’t matter, then one need not be bothered at all. Choice is yours.


           These are my personal views based on my understanding. I am only a human and I can make wrong assumptions. Don’t ever blindly believe in what I say. Do think, even beyond what I can, and draw your own conclusions.