Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Choice of corrupt, currupt criminals and anarchy

          Had long been thinking of writing about the choice we have in 2014 elections. Time never let me, but the cash BJP gave on the election eve was the incentive, I believe, to write this. Since it's the first time, my mom didn't have any clue that the covers they handed over contained money.

          Coming back to the choice we have, as I tweeted some time back - choice given 2 votrs is like choice of chickn, mutton or fish 2 a Brahmin. Soon after I wrote that I realized that the Brahmin has a choice of rejecting it at the cost of his life. And NOTA option is what I felt the answer is.

          Thinking about the choices we have, though I feel Congress is far better than any other party that India can ever bank on, they are so corrupt and arrogant that they need to be taught a lesson. Delhi elections did that, but only to be left with the run-away bride. Looking at Congress, their ideologies are great. Most of their policies are good too. But what about the representatives. If we look at individuals, the party seems to bank on them blindly. They think India consists of only their party people. They seems to be blind to the fact that there are other people too. Giving seats to corrupt and criminals thinking they can win that seat is tragic. It will only make them lose as a whole. People of India are so fed up that they are ready to choose the greatest of evil than to vote for Congress no matter how suicidal it is.

          On the flip side, there is the party that was built up on blood, killing their own brothers and sisters in the name of patriotism, not knowing that they are just scapegoats of the greedy. I don't mean to say that other parties are free from criminal activities. But BJP as a party is built on hatred. The language the followers speak only proves it. The materials they distribute and the lies they propagate are all testimonies to it. When it comes to the policies, theirs used to be not much different from that of Congress. This time around it has changed a bit, but will only be for the worse. Capitalism seems to have got an upper hand. In the long run it will lead to great unrest in the country and, if followed, will lead to riots in future. We might see development, but at the cost of our nation's future.

        BJP this time has a very high chance of winning, taking into account the efforts and money that they have poured into PR agencies. India is a nation where people are driven by media to a large extent. People pay higher prices and buy cheap and poor quality goods if they are advertised. Branding plays a great role in our daily life. And BJP has done it so very well. They have managed to convince and eyewash even the educated by propagating the lies so well.

      BJP is a great threat to our nation for various reasons. First of all, it's hatred that they spread more than anything else. If we look at the nature, most of them are too arrogant. They give no value for justice. The language they use speaks of it all. Violence is part of their blood.

     Keeping away all these, when it comes to the political front, actually speaking BJP is no more. They are just at the mercy of Modi, which he himself has perfectly projected. I only pity on BJP in that matter that they are digging their own grave. What happened in Karnataka might be repeated, unless Modi can tactically eliminate how he did to the stalwarts who brought the party from scratch.

     Now that everyone is attracted to the bandwagon and jumping to the bubbly green side, when the expectations are not met, the turmoil will sweep away all that glitters. The party doesn't realize the danger that's in wait, for it's the greedy that is acquainting. Well, the writing is on the wall, and I need not say much about it. And what ever I say here will have no relevance until time reveals it. I only wish if our nation's future is not jeopardized.

     Few months back, there was a glitter of hope, who swept Delhi clean with the brooms. But what I felt in the later stages did happen and the pied piper, whom I initially thought would drive me to the polling booth for the first time in my life, just ran away. He had no proper agendas. He threw the broom in the dustbin. It looks like he has nothing else in mind other than anti-corruption. But that is not enough to run the administration. He has set his eyes on the PM chair. But how can he ever run a country if he couldn't manage a small place? When he openly proclaims that he is an anarchist, where will he lead us to?

     Then there is the regional parties who may form the third front and the communists. How much will the third front parties be able to do when it comes to managing our country? How will they be able to deal with other nations? Having Jayalalitha or Mamatha or Mulayam as our PM, I cannot even imagine what will be the state we will be in going forward, though it is not right to underestimate anyone.

    The communists on the other hand will lead our country to the stone age with their anti-capitalist and pro-labor mentality. They are just opposite to the BJP. If those who invest has no rights in their firms who would ever want to invest? It will lead to close down of most of the industries as it happened in Kerala. Under them I can only think of traveling in cycle ricks when our neighbors travel by metro.

        Coming to the end, thanks for the NOTA option. I guess I have a reason to vote this time. But I only hope and pray that the vote doesn't go to any party when I press the NOTA button.