Wednesday, December 12, 2007

What went wrong?

I wish if Christians had the guts to follow Jesus

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Astrology, horoscope, etc., 'partial truth'?

Have u ever checked ur horoscope or any sort of such things like palmistry, numerology etc.? I believe almost everyone knows their zodiac signs. Even I know mine and I too have checked my weekly horoscope in newspapers. Though I’ve checked it many times, it wasn’t to know how my week is gonna be, but just to find out if it’s true. And when I look into that matter, considering everything that’s happened in my life as well as those around me, I realize that it’s all rubbish.

When I checked my horoscope what I found was that it’s my mind that played the part. Every time I read something negative I used to believe the other way round and it used to happen as I think. And when I read those mails that say my nature depending on the zodiac signs I feel that they are all not completely right. And at the same time, if I want I can prove what is says is right too. This is how it works. I always checked all the zodiac signs and found that whatever sign it is, it suits me one way or the other. If I take my own sign, not everything that’s said in it will be true. At the same time, if I look at any other sign most of what’s said in that will hold true for me. So what does that mean? I’m sure it’s the same for everyone.

It’s human tendency that what ever we see or listen drives us to some extent. Unless you are aware of that, you too will fall prey to it. There was a time I used to listen to too much of heavy metal stuff. And my dad used to tell me that it’ll make me more inhuman and dangerous. Though I could notice drastic changes in many of my friends, just cus I was aware of it never had any impact on me. I always made sure that I’m more loving and caring.

Recently a person changed the spelling of his name to become the Chief Minister. Few astrologers predicted he’ll become CM and few predicted otherwise. And finally after changing the spelling he became CM, but for not more than few weeks. Those astrologers who said he will become CM was right, but no one predicted that he’ll fall. And those who predicted that he won’t become CM was not available for comment once he became CM, and once he fell they surfaced again saying what they said was right. Whom shall we believe? If we got to believe the former, why didn’t they say that he’s not gonna make it for long? And if we got to believe in the latter, then why didn’t they predict that he’s gonna become CM for few days at least and will fall then. Here it is proved that everyone were wrong. And what about the spelling of his name, what good has it brought to him?

I remember an article in which one guy had written that he happened to notice that everyone who died in an accident didn’t have the same lines on their palms and those who are supposed to have long life died altogether. Well, here again, everything is proved wrong.

And still why is it that many people say it’s all right? Yes, I do agree that it’s right up to some extent as per the happenings, though not in reality. Well, there is one thing that you should keep in mind before completely believing in it, that it turns out to be true not cus it’s true, but it’s like a magnetic force that drives one to that most of the times. If you have the guts to think just the opposite way then u can get out of it. It’s jus like me, long back, standing at the edge of a high raise building or at the door of fast moving train. When I stood there I could feel a great pull to jump over. And at times I avoided being there cus I was sure I’ll jump off. But then I decided that I should try it out and then I started standing in such places. When I say this u may not understand the graveness about it, but I can tell u for sure that it was a great fight against myself. I was well aware that at any point in time if my mind says otherwise I’m gonne end up jumping over. And if I had listened to the voice of that pull I would have done it. And even astrology n things like that too drive you to a great extend just like media does in one’s life.

If you notice the lives of people who follows horoscope, u can find that whatever happens if their life could have been different if they had not checked it. Once they find that it is going to happen likewise, their mind starts acting like a magnetic force towards that. And as they say a whole lot of things it is the very few things that happens that is counted and what ever does not happen is not taken into consideration. It’s like the blessings we receive. We are so blessed every moment of our life with many things, but we notice only the very few troubles around us. When I look around I often run out of words and even wonder how can I thank God for the wonderful things in my life. Of course there are problems in my life too, but comparatively it’s like a drop in the ocean. Even when friends come to me to share their problems, I see that they are also so blessed, but they don’t realize it.

And wen it comes to a Christian wat makes the difference in going behind horoscope and astrology. I often used to wonder why is it that Bible says we shouldn’t go behind all those. Then I realized that there are lots of reasons behind it. One of the main reasons I believe is the choice of believing in truth or lies. We often don’t believe the complete truth that Bible says, but tend to believe in all the lies that the world says. There was a time I believed more in science than in Bible and I always looked for scientific proof for whatever Bible says until I realized that science is something that keeps changing, but the Word of God never changes. That goes with the Word: “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.”

If you take a look at just the study of light you can notice how many times we had to change our belief; the particle theory, wave theory, electromagnetic theory, quantum theory etc. etc., that kept on changing. They even had formulas to state it every time they came up with a new theory. But still it kept changing. And we believe in the latest theory, though we have to change our mind if someone proves it wrong tomorrow.

And I don’t intent to say that astrology and such things are completely false, cus jus like the weather report that says it may or may not rain today, which we often depend up on, there might be some elements that proves these things right at times too. As I mentioned earlier, even few things might turn out to be true as it might drive us towards that not because it’s true, but cus it turns out to be so. One thing is sure that it’s not complete truth. And one has to take a stance whether to go behind ‘partial truth’ or the complete truth.

Well, another important factor is faith. If we hav faith in our Father in heaven, we don’t need to run behind anything. He knows wat is best for us. I stopped praying for myself once I realized that He’s d provider and if He has the wisdom and knowledge to make everything He must know wat I need too, jus like the song “Jahova Jairah, my provider, His grace is sufficient for me.” That’s why I’m always happy even though I’ve got nothing much in my life. The one who follows the Word of God that says: "Look at the birds of the air, they do not sow, nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than they?,” need not be afraid about what’s gonna happen tomorrow. Here the matter in question is not the providence of God, but man’s dependence on Him.

So if are a Christian and if you ever tried to sort out ur problems or tried to find out what’s happening in ur life through any of those methods, or if you ever plan to go for it, or if you are worried about anything in your life, then give it a thought whether you got to believe in ‘partial truth’ or the complete truth. A Christian is not the one who lives in fairy tales, but in reality I believe.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Right n wrong

Everything is wrong as far as others do it
And everything is right as far as we do it

Monday, November 12, 2007


Many a times I fell just short of asking God to take away my desires. But then I felt that being a man I ought to have desires and feelings as He's given me to make the best use of it at the right time and also to turn to Him for strength when I'm week. And finally I ended up asking Him for the grace to overcome it.

Are Catholics idol worshippers?

Well, this was a question that haunted me for long. Even today I don’t kiss a statue or image of Jesus or Mother Mary or any Saints, or even cross, may it be at church or at home. But I would like to differ on the view that it’s wrong to have images or statues. To understand this one must realize what an idol is. Of course few Catholics are wrong, I agree, who thinks that the image or statue itself is God. But we cannot term keeping those things is idol worship.

I am a person who avoids any kind of image or religious statues. And I always try to avoid the use of it. Though as a kid I used to run behind such things, I kept a distance from it as I grew up. One of the reasons was I felt that if I show myself as a Christian to others through symbols that I use, then I need to live up to their expectation. So not using it gives me the freedom to do anything. Another reason why I kept away from it is cus most of my friends were non-Christians and I never wanted to create a barrier of religion between us. Also, I never wanted to wear any sort of fashion related or ornamental things, to avoid a show-off (though I'm fashion savvy) and preferred to be natural, that being one of the reasons why I don’t even wear a watch if I’m not wearing a full sleeve dress.

I even kept away from religious stickers even on my bike. Yet I’ve got two rosaries around the handle that are not that visible. You might wonder why two rosaries. One was put around the handle by my brother. Since it was broken, and as I felt it’s not that good looking, I went for another one made of olive wood (Geez, jus cus of my quality consciousness), and I didn’t want to remove the first one as a sign of my love towards my brother. And recently I designed a cross and got a sticker done on my bike, and that was jus another creative idea that cropped up in my head that made me do it.

Few days since I got the mail on this query I was trying to find an answer to this. It was then that this thing came to my mind. I can clearly say that this image of cross on my bike has influenced me to some extent. As I’m a person who is very short tempered, though everyone in this world think otherwise, I cannot help staring or cursing (in my mind) the other person if something goes wrong while driving my bike, if it is not my fault. And it’s only by God’s grace that I never ever quarrelled with anyone so far. And once I got the sticker of the cross done on my bike, every time I encounter such events, though after a split second, I somehow manage to give a smile to the other person and not curse. I don’t intend to say that it’s the power of the cross that helps me do it. But I can tell you for sure that it’s the awareness that I have in my mind that if I show an angry face, with the cross in front of me that shows I’m a Christian, I’ll only be ending up having the other person curse me and my God.

What I mean to say is that having a symbol, statue or image will help enhance one’s way of thinking to some extent. It just keeps reminding of faith and allegiance. Few people have images of their parents or grandparents painted to keep in remembrance. But no one ever think that is the real person. And so is the images and statues that we see in church. And not every one kiss a statue thinking it as God. In that case it’s not an idol worship. But if someone thinks that those images or statues are Gods and that it has got some kind of power, then that is sheer idol worship and we need to discourage it.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Novels, pre-marital sex, live-in relationships, language 4 Christains

I jus came across ur mail and thought of answering it in my way of thinking. Before that lemme say that I’m not a person of any sort of authority to answer this. I’d been with the Jesus Youth for quite long and it was from a point of absolute no faith in God that I learned to acknowledge Him. Though I tried to follow Bible, by which I realized the truthfulness of Bible, initially it was hard to believe in God as I wanted reasons for everything. And still following Jesus, though not accepting Him, revealed lot of things. And being still far, far away, I, in no ways claim what I say to be right spiritually. For a more spiritual and more accurate answer you may check out with someone who’s standing real close to God. This I write jus for you to give a thought, and you may correct me if I’m wrong too.

For your first question about novels of murder mistery and romantic, I’d prefer to say that there’s nothing wrong as far as it doesn’t control you. I used to listen to rock songs and I still listen to it once in a while as far as it doesn’t have any mention against God, even if it’s a band branded as devil worshippers. My dad used to tell me that I’ll become mad if I listen to all such scraps. And maybe cus of that I was well aware not to let myself be a slave. I was always aware of what I was doing. I guess the same bodes well for novels too. I don’t have the habit of reading and I cannot give my experience about it. But I guess murder mysteries are those that will enhance your way of reasoning, thereby improving your IQ. Cus most of the movies and stuff like that has helped me a lot in logical thinking, I believe.

Romantic novels are okay as I believe that it will let you be romantic in your relationship with your life partner. I often wondered, and one of the very reason why I always said no to Jesus Youth proposals was cus I was afraid of marrying a holy girl thinking what will happen if I approach her in a romantic mood and suddenly she saying, “praise the Lord, let’s pray.” And girls, though not everyone, but majority of them are too bad in being romantic, and it’s the knowledge from such novels I guess one will gain knowledge on such matters as there are no special classes for it. But one should try to understand the partner too, as otherwise it will lead to doubts that he/she’s got prior experience.

I was thinking that pre-marital sex and live-in relationships are okay, though I kept away from it only due to my family background, as many of my friends were indulged in it. I used to think that they know each other and if they have no problems in it then what is wrong. But later I realized that it is wrong as per Christian faith as it is given in Bible not to indulge in it. Just now I ran a check and got this worse: “If, however, the charge is true and no proof of the girl's virginity can be found, she shall be brought to the door of her father's house and there the men of her town shall stone her to death.” - Deuteronomy 22:20,21. It speaks about virginity. And live in relationship I feel is wrong cus otherwise there’ll be no meaning in marriage. And marriage is the only sacrament that unites a man and women. And Bible clearly states the importance of marriage and the importance of virginity until marriage.

I don’t thin it’s wrong for a Christian to use the word “sexy,” unless it’s offending someone. Few girl at times call me so, and though I use it very, very rarely, I believe there’s nothing wrong in it. But it all depends on the environment. If it’s between people who know each other well, then there’s no problem. I believe firmly that such words are not supposed to be used everywhere and always, cus most of them find it offending.

And above all, it all depends upon the way you look at things as well as your environment, except for the pre-marital sex and live-in relationships. We cannot say something is wrong unless the circumstance and motive is considered. So it’s wisdom one needs, to be on the right track.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

A dog bit me

Today morning I was bit by a dog near my office. And I decided not to take any precautionary measure knowing well that I’m risking my life. When my friend asked me to take an injection I told that I’m not going to do it and asked to file a case if something happens to me so that it will open the eyes of others. Still I came home and cleaned the wound with spirit. It was only when I reached home that I realized I lost one of my best pants as it was torn so much and there were five teeth marks on it apart from the big tear. I haven’t informed this to anyone, and if my parents will come to know it will be a great problem. But if I die I hope they’ll have a sigh of relief as I’ve only given them pain throughout my life.

Now I’m studying if there’s any change happening to me due to the bite. I was sleeping and I got up to realize that my hand has become numb. I was not able to feel anything. I think that’s because I slept over my hand and might have caused the stoppage of blood circulation. I looked at the lines in my hand and it seemed darker and I could see few blue nerves. Then I guessed I might have not noticed it before and that’s the reason why it appears so. Could feel a heaviness in my stomach, but it might be because I didn’t have enough food yesterday night. Also I feel some heat on my body, but it might be because of the psychological effect as I’m focusing more on my body function, I guess. Well, I’m just continuing to observe what’s happening. I don’t think that I’m going to die anyway as it’s a domestic dog that bit me. Still nothing can be confirmed, ain’t it?

Well, there had been lot of shocking reports about dogs attacking kids and so far nothing much has been done. Because there are people out there who loves animals more than humans, living in comfort, who travel by their own four wheelers, who’ll never know the plight of ordinary people.

Will birth control on dogs counter all the problems? Isn’t it foolish to think that dogs being injected are not going to bite anyone? Dog owners are asked to tie belt to their dogs so that they are not caught by the corporation. The dog that bit me too has got belt around its neck. It has already bitten 15 of them in my office and still nothing has been done. And that’s the reason why I took this decision to take such a risk. Though I believe that it’s not going to bring in any change, as what matters if one dies, I feel this is what I can do. Of course my family might mourn, and I’ll fade into memories if something happens to me. But I wish if something is done before many lives, which I believe is precious, are lost.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Have we forgotten the past? (Politics)

Not so long ago happened a drama that I believe has to be awarded the world's best, when Mr. Kumaraswamy broke up with his father thereby creating his own way to the post of CM of Karnataka. Not many will remember the bitter fights between the two. Well, what was it all about? Anyone who's not mentally retarded, if given a thought can easily figure it out.

They acted so well in the drama fooling the public to believe that it's all real. One can imagine how well the father did his part in installing his son on the seat though he fought tooth and nail against him in public. Now he openly asks Mr. Yashwant Sinha to let his son continue. Have we forgotten the past?

Now, what about the agreement made when he got into power? Isn't this blatant cheating? If he cannot keep his word, how can he lead a state? I don't want to write more as I don't want to waste my time writing on something that cannot be dirtier than anything else.

Well, let me tell you that I'm not at all interested in politics as I consider it's such a dirty thing that one can ever think of. And it's for the same reason why I haven't casted a single vote till today. I've kept my hands clean at least in this matter till today. I am not a supporter of any party and I don't intend to do so in future unless a new party comes up which thinks about the welfare of public alone. This is my first ever attempt on any political issue and I'm not sure if I'll ever do it again. I just couldn't keep quite with the current developments in our state.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Each time you and I played the game
Our spirits held us high,
Each time you won the game
You sang the victory song,
And each time I won the game
My flag fluttered high;
O’er the horizon our egos fought,
You won o’er me and me o’er you.

We kept playing games
And ne’er did we give up,
Each victory gave us the strength
And so did each loss take us forward.

You had your reasons,
And so did I have mine;
Maybe you were right always,
But I was right too every time.

All the games we won
And all the lives they lost,
If it were just a dream
I wish if it weren’t too late;
I now realize the truth
That love was more than enough,
We could’ve won and sang the victory song
Holding our flags higher, together.

Monday, September 10, 2007

My Videos (Song about myself) (Me and my friends singing "my life is in You Lord) (The song is actually by Michael Card, I'm only acting in this)

My life

One day i was born
I live until the day I say gud bye
And then I'll b gone 4 ever

Guess der'll b none 2 shed tears o'er my grave
Yet none'll have a sigh of relief i wish
4 i only loved all n never hated any

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Love I

"Love can make a man out of a beast; and a beast out of a man. It can make one the sweetest of man; the wildest of beast as well."

As I received a mail from one of my friends, and hours of class from one of my uncles on marriage since I was not accepting any of the proposals that’s put forward, I thought I’ll pen down my views on love n marriage. Many of my friends often approach me with problems in this regard. Many of them have problems in their love life and many of them have problems choosing the right partner.

My way of thinking is entirely different, and though I believe my views are right, I’ll never say that it’s right in the eyes of the world at all. I have solid reasons for what I believe. Yet, at the same time, I don’t want any one in this world to follow it, though I wish it be followed to create a better world, as it’s not that easy to live like that. Before I put forward my views on it I would like to tell you that it’s something that you might think is weird, but as far as I’m not convinced that I’m wrong I’m not going to change it at all. As always, in this matter too anyone may question my views, so that if wrong I will be able change my thinking.

Love is something which everyone says is impossible to define. Yes it’s true. Yet you find plenty of definitions given by many of them. I too say love is a nine letter word – SACRIFICE. But, no one ever can define it in the proper way. I would like to start off with something that comes to my mind when it comes to love. It’s the relationship I had with my dad.

I remember my childhood days when my dad was with me. Maybe from the age of 2 to 5, if I’m not wrong. I was so attached to my dad that his presence used to make me forget any pain in this world. Just to have a glimpse of it, I would like to say about the way I behaved when I was given injections. At that age when I was taken to hospital for injections, that I dreaded most, I used to make all sorts of troubles to avoid it. I even used to kick the nurses who come to give injections. Finally at least 3 or 4 of them used to hold me tight to help them inject me. I guess all kids at that age react the same way as it hurts so much. The same me, if my dad is around, will be smiling (I’m not exaggerating. If you doubt you may ask anyone in my family) when they give injections. What ever they do, I never cared if my dad is with me. And the nurses always wondered at my behavior. That, I call is love.

Once I came to a position to understand and analyze things in a proper way, most of my friends started sharing their problems with me. Meanwhile the mails I read, the day-to-day incidents that comes in the newspaper and other things that I came to know through other sources made me think so much about love. And I’ve found that almost all the problems that the world face is due to the lack of love.

One of the songs of Bon Jovi goes like this: “You give love a bad name”. I used to tell my friends that the world has given love a bad meaning. I put a major blame on present day media that has sown the seeds of this confusion. Especially the current situation in India is worsening where people blindly believe and follow what the media says.

If you take a look at colleges and work places, people are totally confused what love is and they often get into trouble. Here peers play a major role in forming wrong conceptions about love. And most of them, as they have no personality of their own as I put it, become victims. The real love is often not understood, and no one even bothers to find what exactly is going wrong. To realize things you don’t have to read this or listen to me or even run to anyone else. Maybe these things will help you to some extent. If you can spend some time thinking about it you will be able to understand lot of things. But you need an open mind for everything.

I see most of them falling into love, and most of them break very soon, some carry on for some time, and almost none making it to the end. It has become a fashion for them to fall in love, and for most of them it’s a matter of shame if he/she has got no lover. Most of them end up broken hearted and still fall into the same line though initially they say that they can’t think of another person in their life.

Many of my friends ask me if I’ve got a girlfriend. I always say that I’ve got plenty of girlfriends, but not as they think. Most of them say I’m lying. Only when they get closer to me that they’ll know the truth. If you think that I’m a person who is against it, you are absolutely wrong. I always looked for someone who loved me. And the main reason why I never accepted any proposals from my friends is cus I never found real love in them. I’m a person who thinks that love marriage is the best thing to happen. But I often oppose it as not all love affairs are right. I believe that the hype you see in the beginning will fade away soon as they get a chance to become life partners, no matter how much they have sacrificed in their life to become one.

Also, since most of the love affairs are associated with glamour, glitz, money and fame, there’s always a chance that one ends up ditching the other, cus nothing in this world is eternal other than true love. Most of them fall in love, as I stated earlier, cus of peer pressure and just for the name sake and to show others. Such love affairs are the ones that often break soon, as it’s the society that dictates terms on such matters. Just to shine in front of others they choose the one whom they think is the best one, and finally ends up thinking is useless as they find that there’s someone else who’s better than that person.

Being a person who’s involved in so many things, I’ve got too many friends all around whom I prefer to call as fans rather than as friends. I only wished if I were nothing so that I would have found those who can really accept me. For me love matters a lot, and if it’s not true I prefer to stay away from it. I don’t mind living alone throughout my life, if I don’t find a person who cannot accept me for what I’m not. That’s one of the reasons why I have always said no to the proposals that I’ve got from my friends. Most of my friends think I’m mad as my parents are ready to accept anyone whom I bring. They don’t even mind which religion or caste or creed. Yet I keep away from it just cus I could never find true love in anyone.

I was trying to patch up one of my friends with her dad as she hated him so much as she believed that he never cared for her family. But instead of him, she fell in love with a friend. I used to ask her to love others for not what they do. She used to share everything in her life, but hid from me that she’s in love, cus she said later that she feared losing me as I often tell my friends, who are girls, that I keep away from them once they are in love with someone or get married.

It might sound odd when I say that I keep away from those who are married or in love. But the reason why I do so is cus I’ve seen relationships break due to doubts and misunderstandings. And since most of my friends, as they say, are emotionally attached to me, there’s always chances of others taking it in the wrong sense. Also yet another important reason is that I associate love with faithfulness. If a person can’t be faithful, then there’s no meaning in it.

Coming back, I could sense about her affair and I knew every move she make, and finally she told me about it as I was keeping a distance from her. He used to take help from her, though he was supposed to help her as her condition was like that. As she started taking help from me I knew she was only helping him. And later she said sorry that it wasn’t for herself, but for her boyfriend that she took help from me. I asked her why is it that she’s behind him even after knowing that he’s utilizing her, she told me that I only asked her to love others not thinking about what you get. Though it was for her to reconcile with her dad that I said, she took it as an advice to love her boyfriend.

This is how the world is. I was wondering, on one hand parents do so many sacrifices through out their life to bring us up; we grow up and start thinking that our parents are not worthy to be loved as they are not ready to do as we say; but on the other hand, we are ready to go to any extent to love someone whom we meet today or tomorrow, and is ready even to sacrifice our life for the one who doesn’t even care for us.

I always tell my friends that one should never be committed to anyone unless they tie the knots. Be just like friends and never cross the limits. This is cus most often I’ve seen lovers break apart even for silly things. More than that is the pressure from family that makes them do so. I never blame anyone for a broken relationship as everyone will have their own version to defend. Most often marriages don’t take place as expected when their parents oppose. Even if a person loves the other so much, if his/her parents say that they will end their life, then there will be no other way but to say no to the lover. And no one can ever take risk in this matter, as most of them consider giving up their life than living in shame in society.

One of my friends once shared with me that he and his parents even bought poison to end their life as his sister went away and got married with someone who is not from their community. I wondered why she did that as she was so loved and their parents were ready to do anything for her. But for the sacrifice she did, this guy finally sent her back home for money. And they got divorced. If these people had ended up their lives where would have she gone to? Another friend of mine was in love with a guy and she had been with him for around 2 years and finally he had to say no as his parents forced him. She was telling that she can’t even think about another guy in her life. Is this what we all look for?

That’s why I always say, be friends, and let marriage be the only commitment. Once if that is done, there should be no looking back. And being in love one should realize that it’s also a commitment, and should be faithful. As I said earlier, one of my friends who used to say that she’s emotionally attached to me, I asked her not to think like that as we all have to say good bye one day or the other. She asked what’s wrong in it. It took me by surprise. I told her that there’s no problem in being friends, but not beyond the limit. When one gets in love or married he/she is supposed to take all the support from the partner. And if that is not possible then there’s no meaning in it. And as I respect relationships so much I don’t want myself to be an alternative. She was arguing that it’s not wrong being attached to a friend even after marriage. I just asked her what she will do if she’s married and her husband goes out with another girl to share his worries and problems. All of a sudden she said that she’ll kill him. And I told that’s what it is.

So if you are a person who’s in already in love, make sure that you stick on to it, come what may. Love him/her for no reason. No matter how good or bad he/she is give your best until he/she gives up. But try to be not more than a friend until you tie the knots. And never cross your limits until then. Try not to get emotionally attached to anyone unless you are committed through marriage.

And if you haven’t fallen in love yet, then I would like to ask you to better be careful. Don’t ever give in to it by pressure. Cus those friends who inspire you won’t be there when you are trapped. Look for true love. Take time to decide. Everyone will look good until the day comes when you realize the truth. As the adage goes, first impression is the best impression. Everyone try their best to give the best impression. So, never rely on what you see. What you get will only be an exaggerated version. Never let glamour, glitz and money be your priority. It might all burst like a bubble, but only true love will last. You might be proud for few days, but later you’ll realize that it’s all nothing. Even if all those things will last as far as you are on this earth, you’ll regret that it’s nothing but love that would satisfy you. Maybe you’ll be happy in front of others, but deep inside you’ll never be.

Beauty is something that will fade. Lust will not last. After few days of good times, it will all come to an end. Then there’ll be nothing much left to stick on. Most of them who is better than others may always have many doors open in front of them always. So you can’t expect them to be a better bet. But those whom you think is useless maybe better, cus they can be made the best by love. Love can do wonders in one’s life. Never try to attract anyone, cus the one who gets attracted to you may one day be attracted to another person if he/she is found to be better. Think of the consequences before you commit.

One way love is something that you should never ever get into. Commit only if you can love and at the same time that person can love you back. There is no point in going behind someone who cannot love you the way you love. Though it’s okay to accept a person who loves you even if you can’t love him/her, it’s always better to have a two way love. Cus then only love can do wonders. Don’t ever think that if you love someone things will change. It will change only if the other person too loves you.

And keep in mind that there is no turning back once you enter. Love is not a game. It can give as well as take away life. And I would say it is something that makes you and the one who loves you do impossible things. But if there is no two way love, it’ll be like the love of God. He always love us, but the lack of love for us towards Him makes things worse. We end up losing what we are supposed to get and we never see greater things happen in our life.

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments." Matthew 22:37-40 (Bible) “Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.” John 15:13 (Bible)

i'm a freak

You may not like the way I sing this song
And the way I strike my guitar string
But I will sing it the way I like it
For I'm a freak

I am black 'n I am lean
But I am proud of what I am
And I don't care for what ya think
For I'm a freak

In shabby dress I'll go around
With long long hair I ain't a gentleman
I don't think this world is a ramp
For I'm a freak

(My life) I will lead it the way I like
If you can't you better not follow
Cuz I don't need no foolish lover
Cuz I'm a freak

There'll be thousands to follow me
And I won't lead them to the hell
Cuz a saint I ain't, but a devil I ain't
But I'm a freak

I will do the things I can't
I won't do the things I can
I'm a king, but, I'm nothing
Cuz I'm a freak

I don't need to prove myself
Cuz time will prove of what I am
I just wanna be what I am
For I'm a freak

Cuz I'm a freak (I'm a freak)
I'm a freak (I'm a freak)
I'm a freak (I'm a freak)
I'm a freak

watch the song at

2 hours and everything was done, composing and recording, but due to the lack of guitar it didn’t come out as I wanted it to be. Yet, though not up to my expectation, with my friends Bibin on vocals and Yackson on keyboard, it turned out better


Vultures around me,
No worse than my fellow beings,
Waiting to prey,
No better than any devil.

I too have my dreams,
But where should I build,
The barren land lies before me,
But beyond the peace loving minds.

The mud around me makes my home,
Stones around me make my toys,
Tears make my lips wet,
And fear fills my stomach.

May the flags fly high,
O'er the innocent corpses,
Elegy tuned to victory chant,
Heard above the distant cries.

Bullets rain
And bombs bloom,
My God weeps
When the whole world pretends to be blind.


Aloud to the Lord
They cried out the Apostles Creed,
But the rock on which they built their faith
Seems to shake by the things they do;
Are they preaching what they do,
Or doing what they preach;
Are they good enough
To lead others to goodness;
Can they be the candle,
To lead others in the darkness;
Why should they hold others' hand,
If in their blindness they stumble;
Are they the one to be served,
For they talk the 'Way of the Cross';
How can they love others,
If they can't throw away their selfishness;
And if they can't bear their crosses,
Why should they ask others to?

30 silver coins

Hey! Man out on the streets,
Hear this man, from the coffin,
I cry out loud, in vain,
Hey! Man out on the corner.

30 silver coins in my coffin,
I don't need it anymore,
I have no more chances left,
To buy back my days.

The greener side, I thought, I bought
Doesn't seem greener any more
The 30 silver coins, in my coffin,
They don't glitter anymore.

I don't need those 30 silver coins
That they paid me for my kisses,
My 30 silver coins, there it lies,
My 30 silver coins, there in the coffin.

You were always Jesus to me

I was like Peter many a times,
And much more like Judas,
But He was always Jesus to me,
The one who went to Calvary.

When doubts and fears threatened
To drown me in darkness,
His Spirit held my hands
And pulled me out of troubled waters.

"I don't know", said me, Peter's words,
Still He turned to me when cock crowed;
I kissed Him the Judas' kiss,
Still He climbed the cross for me.

My world

A kid, I used to dream,
Dream a day without me,
Wished that night never end,
Prayed the dream only go on.
When sorrows filled my days,
Joyful moments seemed too short,
Myseries hung me from the truth,
I always found myself weak.
Neither the fear to die,
Nor the desire to live,
Hope, I may call, or shame,
Something always held me tight.
Then, one day I realized,
Found there's something great,
Something greater than what I felt,
Something greater than my sorrows.
Out of darkness I cried out loud,
Opened my eyes and stared,
There I saw a ray of hope,
The promise of love I came to know.
I heard the beat,
Felt the warmth,
Heard the silence
Of pure love.
It was then that I felt the change,
A reason for me to start,
Wish I had another day left,
To praise and worship the Lord my God.

Truth lies hidden

You'll choose the way to heaven; But destination proves that it's not the road of Roses, but it's the road of crosses that leads you there.

More they speek, less they work.

Love is the leaf; forgiveness its roots.

A fool's advice is always a wise one for a fool.

Never try to hang on to imaginations in reality.

Patience is the tree under which you can take rest for a while to overcome anger. (This one is part of a birthday song I wrote for my cousin. But one of my friends said that he read it somewhere and so I don't intend to take any credit for myself on this as I'm afraid it might be something that I read somewhere might have reflected while penning this down)

One good deed constructs a single step to heaven, but a single sin demolishes all.

Love is my God; tolerance my religion; sacrifice, my Holy Communion.

I'm the emperor of my dynasty.

I might be great; but there's someone greater than me.

I might be the king; but without the people I'm nothing.

Let past not be a pit in which you are lost from present and future.

Do what others preach; Preach what you do.

You are wise; but not wise enough to realise it.

Truth is for wise; they accept it and remain happy; Fools, reject it and remains sad.

It ain't hard to be bad the way it's hard to be good.

It's not what others say, but what you think that makes you.

The more you want to become rich, the poorer you feel.

Even the last drop of my blood will smile at the one who stabs me.

Sun sets to rise another day.

Fate is a vehicle of which you are the driver.

A blind man can lead you better in darkness.

I am the author of my destiny.

Love is a nine letter word - SACRIFICE.

Hope for the best, but expect the worst.

If you can ever count your blessings you received from the Lord, it won't be before you finish counting the stars in the sky.

There'll be a million tears behind a smile.

Nothing is better than having something and losing it.

When all the doors in front of u seems to be closed, trust in the Lord and turn around, you'll find that there's no wall around you.

Let not your faith be disturbed by their wrong ways & let not your ways be wrong to disturb their faith.

The more you do, the more you'll know; the more you know, the more you'll do.

They'll know me when I'm gone.

Happiness is the future tense of sorrows.

Sorrows are shadows of happiness; they follow you until your grave. Turn to the shadow, you'll see it clear; turn to the light, you don't see it.

Don't blame God for every second of blessings that you forget thinking about the few troubles.

You'll only be a fool if you think you fooled a wise man; cus he'll only be playing the fool for you.

A wisper will be like a thunder in silence.

Prejudice ruins image.

I found that the most difficult thing, yet the most joyful thing in life is following Jesus.

Love can make a man out of a beast; and a beast out of a man. It can make one the sweetest of man; the wildest of beast as well.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Normally i don't save any daily sms i send to my friends, but few of them as I felt were gud and also as one of my friends asked me, I made a small collection.

If dis day ain’t gonna be a blessing
It’s jus cus u fail to realize
Jus like we don’t notice the sand on which we stand
Tiny, but plenty that u can’t count

If u say u’ve seen the day widout sun I’l believe
But if u say ur life ain’t blessed I won’t

Wen the day breaks in
Wid all the gud times ‘n bad
Heaven can’t be a better place I bet
If only u find it widin u

The mor dark the night is
The mor clear the stars wil be
So look deep in2 the worst of trials
U’ll see wonders widin it

Wil ever the rainbow shine without rain
So shall ur life shine thru the pain
Let no worries ever bring u down
Make urself braver stronger come wat may

At times I feel not 2 pray 4 u
Cus wat I ask may be much cheaper dan wat He has in store 4 u
So I pray u b blessed at His will
So dat u'l be blessed with d best of it

U kno wel dat d moon ain’t shining out der
D big white wondrful 1 up in the sky
But stil I can show it 2 u 2 cheer u up
If u close ur eyes n go to the mirror n open d eyes

Don’t ever complicate silly things
But do make silly, complicated things in life
4 life’s like that
Jus d way u take it

Life aint gonna b smooth 4 ever
It wont b as u want it 2 be
But wen u face things unexpectedly
There’s always a lesson 2 learn:
Nothing’s in our hands in dis few years on earth
No matter how u pretend;
How much u gain or lose
It’s d heart dat matters
The few treasures are love, peace n joy
That’s always in ur heart
That not even God’l take away
But’l only doubl by d way u take n give
So don’t u worry on wat’s happening
But try 2 realize d peace within

Stop worrying about anything
4 ur maker knows ur needs
Mayb ur plans r gud
But His plans are d very best
So quit teaching Him ur plans
N learn to rejoice in His blessings

Those whom u think r far better off than u thinks u r better off than them
So believe in yourself and enjoy ur life jus d way it is

No matter u look at the stars or not
They still shine
No matter u realize or not
U r still blessed

Don’t u see d high hopes risen again
O’er the horizon, it’s 4 u
How many sunsets over
But sun still rise
My ur life be so too
With all ur hopes
May it rise o’er the zenith
N take u thru d day

Here’s a gud day
But wat abt d day we came
D day v met
Days v’v been together
Smiles v xchangd
Tho v miss each other 1 day
Memories’l remain tho faded

It’s all a mystery wat it means
It’s not wat u c dat’s real
Unless revealed it stays behind d mist
Tho at hand n searchd 4 never found

Sorrows r shadows f happiness
It follows u until ur grave
Turn 2 d shadows, u’l c it
Turn 2 d lite, you won’t c it

Easy game is no fun
Tougher game makes a better player;
Life widout probs is a dead one
No matter how hard it is, make d best of it

Battles r 2 b fought
Victory can nevr b bought
Races r 2 b run
Evry bit is worth wen won
So make up ur mind
N leav d troubls behind
B d best
Than d rest

He’s d 1 who makes d sun rise
Makes d birdies sing
He’s d 1 who made d wndrfl u
Blesd u wid nothr day
So trust in His wisdom
More dan urs n mine

Don’t blame God for every second of blessings that you forget thinking about the few troubles. He keeps blessng; remembering at least a few is part f ur happiness

A day more, yet a day less
Few less, yet a few more
Bad times n gud times eithr
But d best of it can b made of all by